Tips to get the 5-star feel

Tips to get the 5-star feel


Sep 15, 2019

Soft, white, clean, and fresh sheets that make you feel like you’re drifting off in a cloud – we all know that feeling of snuggling down into the perfect bed linen. Fluffy pillows and smooth as silk pillowcases, the heavy-not-heavy weight of that floaty duvet you bought on special, you know what we’re talking about! There’s nothing like it! And you have the most restful sleep EVER. You wake up in the morning feeling like a new person. It’s what dreams are made of (pun intended). And it’s exactly what you want for every guest.

But realistically…this only happens in a five-star hotel, right? Or maybe just in movies.

As specialists and experts in the linen rental and laundry industry, we know something about keeping linen beautiful and we’re going to share our top 3 tips to give you, and your guests no matter what style of accommodation property you run, that 5-star feel every night.


1. It’s all white…

There is actually a reason why your favourite hotels only use white linens, and it’s why you should too. White symbolises freshness, purity, calm, peace, serenity and all the things you’d want to associate with a dreamy sleep. It’s true. The colour prompts you to forget about your day-to-day stresses and instead, relax. There’s also another reason – it’s easier to keep the colour looking clean and new. This may seem contradictory when you think of what can stain white, but it’s a resilient colour that doesn’t fade over time. It’s easier to maintain than coloured linens that’s for sure.


2. You can’t fake cotton

It’s important to use cotton versus anything else to get the five-star feel. Why? Because cotton is a natural temperature regulator. This means that you don’t get too sweaty or too cold. It is also more resistant against saturation, which means it is a long-lasting material that doesn’t hold sweat or detergents, eliminating a build-up of residue on the surface. Another reason to use cotton linens is because it’s less prone to deterioration over time as it doesn’t pill or weaken easily, nor does it crinkle or crease easily. Dreamy.


3. The industry’s best kept secret

The cloud. That plush sensation of jumping onto the hotel bed and instantly being comfortable. How does that even happen? The secret’s out – featherbeds! Featherbeds are actually a type of mattress topper, so even the hardest of mattresses are totally transformed. They are made of feather and goose-down to give that truly sumptuous bed of dreams.


And that’s it – our top three tips to get the five-star feel. Linenmaster can help you with the first two (which are the most important!), with our premium white linens made from 80% cotton. But we just HAD to include the featherbeds!

Linenmaster’s laundering and bed linen hire services make it easy to achieve the five-star feel. You don’t even have to bat an eyelid at the dirty work. Get in touch with your local branch to learn how you can transform your processes, your standards and your customer experience for the better!